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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Apr 23, 2022
    • JordanPlayz158's avatar
      MessagePreserverPlugin: · aa5b34ce
      JordanPlayz158 authored
      - Kind of like Audit Logs but only for messages and is put in the current channel, used to ensure transparency and order of messages
  2. Oct 10, 2021
  3. Jul 01, 2021
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
      UnwarnPlugin: · 6fdab0e1
      Jordan Adams authored
      - pom.xml added WarnPlugin as dependency as UnwarnPlugin just removes entries from the warn hashmap as WarnPlugin already handles the saving, making the Warn objects, etc. (No need to recode the same system in UnwarnPlugin)
      - Updated plugin.yml to depend on Warn (added to the list of strings (plugin names) for depend tag
      - Changed extends Plugin to extends JavaPlugin and moved class constructor code to onEnable (for new system)
      - Updated code in UnwarnCommand to get the staff role from warns config (rather than placeholder config code), void changed to boolean in onCommand for new system (explained in previous commits), grabbing warns map from WarnPlugin and modifying it for remove warn functionality
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
      WarnPlugin: · c872f5d9
      Jordan Adams authored
      - New System, changed from Plugin to JavaPlugin so WarnPlugin now extends JavaPlugin
      - Warn added @Getter tag for retrieving the values stored in the object
      - Updated checking if map has updated logic (realized how flawed getting the size of the hashmap was and hashcode should be reliable)
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
      RoleOnMemberJoinPlugin: · 57797b01
      Jordan Adams authored
      - Added config.yml so the role the member receives on join can be configurable
      - Made Config for ObjectMapper and easy value grabbing
      - Changed from long to config reference in MemberJoinListener (only had long there so the code would compile)
      - Making the data directory, copying over and reading the config file in RoleOnMemberJoinPlugin (need to find a more "catchy" name for this plugin lol)
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
      - Changed onCommand method in commands from void to boolean to work with the... · 2b669aac
      Jordan Adams authored
      - Changed onCommand method in commands from void to boolean to work with the new system. (return false to signify command did work correctly (or preconditions not met) and a usage embed will be sent in the channel the command was used in, return true to indicate command worked correctly and nothing will happen)
      - Changed Plugin to JavaPlugin (so extends Plugin changed to JavaPlugin) and moved everything from the class constructor to the onEnable method
  4. Jun 30, 2021
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
      WarnPlugin: · 9aa91358
      Jordan Adams authored
      - Removed unused imports
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
      WarnPlugin: · 42c2c6bc
      Jordan Adams authored
      - Added gson dependency as JModularBot no longer has it as a dependency (switched all configs to yml)
      - Packing runs maven-shade-plugin to package the jar with gson dependency
      - Added config.yml for configurable staffRole that has permission to use the warn command. Has autosave variable for configuring how long between saving warns to file.
      - Config made for easy accessing, saving, and loading data from.
      - SaveWarns made for the task of saving warns to a file with a repeating timer task
      - Warn made for storing and accessing the warns (mainly for saving the warns to file)
      - WarnCommand updated for new onCommand system, class constructor code added for loading warns file, utilized new onCommand system to reduce amount of code, improved readability (getReason method), Added code for adding warn entries to map
      - WarnPlugin updated for new onEnable, onDisable system, added code for saving and loading the config file and creating the warns file, initiate saveWarns repeating task with autosave value from config, before disabling plugin, run then cancel the SaveWarns task (for saving the warns data before unloading (otherwise the warn data could be lost if the last warn wasn't 5 minutes ago))
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
      Removed unused imports. · ec27c281
      Jordan Adams authored
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
      MutePlugin: · b70ee0fd
      Jordan Adams authored
      - Added config.yml for MutePlugin functionality to actually work (configurable mute role (defined by id) and staff role (who can use the mute command))
      - Made Config class for easy value retrieving from config.yml
      - Edited the MuteCommand class for the new system. onCommand returns boolean and not void. Returning false tells CommandHandler to send the usage message in the channel the command was executed, true does nothing (means the command executed correctly) (inspired by (*ahem* stolen from *ahem*) bukkit (like most of the bots design))
      - Updated MutePlugin for new system, executing code on onEnable and onDisable rather than class constructor. Added code to copy and load the config.
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
      Updated parent.pom.xml to add JModularBot dependency scope tag and set it to... · 7d122571
      Jordan Adams authored
      Updated parent.pom.xml to add JModularBot dependency scope tag and set it to provided so when using maven-shade-plugin, it won't include the dependency in the jar (as it's already provided)
    • Jordan Adams's avatar
  5. Jun 28, 2021